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The iRepair booth is situated within QoV and offers a cost effective way to solve your iPhone mishaps. Our technician is here to help if your iPhone has a faulty home button, charging issues or cracked iPhone screen. The severity of damage your iPhone has dictates the amount oftime our technician will need your iPhone. Many screen repairs are returned the same day but this is mainly depends on the level of the damage your iPhone has sustained as some iPhones have hidden faults hidden under the damaged screen such as a broken speaker, microphone or a ripped ribbon.

If your iPhone has stopped working or you are unsure what the fault is then our technician will charge a minimum fee of £10, this charge  will be deducted off the cost of the repair should you wish for the repair to take place.
Our business ethos boasts transparency, this means that should we find another problem whilst fixing your initial problem, then one of our team will call you with an update.

The prices shown below are standard prices for our screen repair service only, this iRepair includes a new LCD, glass, air clean, polish and labour. 

iPhone Models we currently repair:

- iPhone 5 (£30.00)
- iPhone 5C (£30.00)
- iPhone 5S (£30.00)
- iPhone SE (£40.00)
- iPhone 6 (£50.00)
- iPhone 6+ (£50.00)
- iPhone 6s (£55.00)
- iPhone 6s+ (£60.00)
- iPhone 7 (£70.00)
- iPhone 7+ (75.00)
- iPhone 8 (CALL)
- iPhone 8+ (CALL)

Please feel free to call our team should you wish to discuss your damaged iPhone.

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